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Attention ALL GSR Attendees!!!! William Sundquist will be sharing his vision for this coming year at the CSI Luncheon & Vision Keynote session, Thursday, 12:30, October 17, Imperial East & Center. Please make plans to attend. ------------------------------ ...
A little while ago I sent you the due dates for the Region Awards in hopes that the Chapters will take a look and see who within their Chapter was deserving of a nomination for a Region Level Award. In addition, I know sometimes in this fast paced ...
It is time to begin thinking about Awards for the next Fiscal Year. I know you have just completed the Awards Cycle both at the Institute and Region and many of you have already completed your local Chapter Awards Programs as well. This completion ...
Thanks All! Baxton, I'll be sure to get in touch with you once I get settled down in Huntsville. I'm looking forward to meeting you in person and expanding my CSI network down there. ------------------------------ Jeffrey Parnell 4FDesign Project ...
Jeffery, So glad to hear of your upcoming move to Huntsville. As the President-Elect for the Huntsville chapter, let me be the first to welcome you. When you can, send me all of your contact information so I can get you on our email list. When ...
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