Communication Award Submission (2022)

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Signup Deadline: 05-27-2022
Starts: 05-28-2022
Ends: 05-28-2022


Click on the "APPLY TODAY!" button above to submit your nomination for Communications Awards.  (You must be logged in.)

You will need to include CSI Award Application: PDF; MSWord

Criteria for Communications Awards

This award is presented to a Chapter, Region, or Organization which has implemented a comprehensive communications program, inclusive of multiple types of communications programs. Each nomination package must meet the specific requirements.

In order to show a comprehensive communication program, the nomination shall include at least two of the communications systems listed below.

A.  Continuing Publications: The goal of this award is to recognize new, upcoming, and impactful ongoing publications which contain innovative content that highlights cutting edge technology; helps individuals and businesses improve within the construction industry; or helps members or chapters improve their operations. Examples of a continuing publication include, but are not limited to items such as: newsletters, syndicated columns (either hard copy or electronic), etc. published a minimum of 4 times per award cycle. Each continuing publication shall include the following requirements to be considered
1.  The publication shall utilize the CSI Logo within its pages and shall meet all requirements for display of the CSI Logo as defined by the Institute.
2.  The publication shall contain more than standard content (such as President’s Message, upcoming meeting flyer, Chapter officer/committee chair information, etc.).
3.  The nomination shall describe how this Continuing Publication impacts the mission of CSI, the Chapter, or Region.

B.  Electronic Communications: These messages should form the overall basis of an integrated communications program within a Chapter, Region, or Group. The communications system shall properly use the CSI logo within its pages. The following are considered part of this portion of the program:
1.  Email
2.  Facebook
3.  LinkedIn
4.  Blogs
5.  Website
6.  Contests
7.  Webinars (YouTube or some other media)
8.  E-Classes

C.  Special Publications: These are those publications (either hard copy or electronic) which are published one time. They may be used for an event, to provide information, be a reference, or simply provide a means to further the mission of CSI, the Chapter, or Region. The special publication shall utilize the CSI Logo within its pages and shall meet all requirements for display of the CSI Logo as defined by the Institute. Items which are considered under this communication system include, but are not limited to:
1.  Rosters
2.  Marketing Flyers 
3.  Directories (meeting all Institute Member information release requirements)
4.  Technical Papers
5.  Posters
6.  Calendars
7.  Videos

Please refer to the 2022 Honors & Awards Guide for further details.

Submissions are due on Wednesday, May 25
by 11:59 pm EST  

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:

No Experience Necessary


Lisa Sidletsky