
frequently asked questions

Find the answers you need.


Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions. Don’t see an answer here you are looking for? Send us a note. We want to make sure you have the information you need to understand and prepare for this change. 

As we receive questions from leaders, we will add to this list. 

Click on one of the categories below to read the questions and answers.

Who do I contact if I have a question?
Email ChapterRelations@csinet.org.

Why were these changes made?
CSI’s structure and dues offering has a track record indicating confusion about member value, fostering competition between Chapters, fostering mistrust (and worse) at the National, Regional and Chapter levels, and leaving members without local support. These factors have contributed to decades of membership decline and left many CSI Chapters floundering and without leadership. Alignment of structure and dues offering better enables CSI to support a diverse, active membership to create a stronger community, together.

What is the Component Value Task Force (CVTF)?
Information on the CVTF can be found on this page.

What are dues and what is included in them?
CSI membership dues is an annual charge paid in exchange for membership within CSI.

CSI membership includes access to all local CSI Chapters as a CSI member, with an assigned “home” Chapter, and access to a variety of resources and discounts.

Free to members:

  • Home Chapter
      • Includes access as a CSI member to all Chapters
      • Education and networking events, including what is offered for free or at a discount, vary by Chapter
    • MasterFormat® online
    • Variety of online educational content like WebReach and TechTalk recordings
  • CSI-Connect online community
    • CSI Forms
    • The Construction Specifier (print and on-line)
    • MasterFormat Bookmarks
    • CSI Membership Directory, Member card and ability to identify as a CSI member publicly
  • Volunteer opportunities to strengthen development of industry leader standards

Member Pricing:

  • CSI and CSI Chapter events Learning
  • Library courses and continuing education
  • Certification and Certification Practice Exams
  • MasterFormat print version
  • Specs 101 online course
  • CSI National Conference

When does the new dues structure take effect?
The change begins on July 1, 2022, at the beginning of the new fiscal year. Dues collected for memberships that begin or renew on or after July 1, 2022, will be invoiced under the new model. Those invoices will be sent on May 1, 2022.

When will I be charged under the new structure?

The timing of invoices will not change from the current practice. Each member will receive their invoice two months before the month of their renewal.  

For example, if a member is set to renew in July of 2022, they will receive their first renewal invoice in May of 2022.   

It will take a full 12 months for members to pay the new rate. However, the new structure goes live for every member, regardless of renewal schedule, on July 1, 2022.  

How does this affect meals?
Some chapters include some or all of event meals within their dues prices. With the new structure, meals will no longer be part of the dues billing. 

Will my dues increase or decrease?

The average Chapter dues price is $86. Fifty-six Chapters charge more than $86 and 71 Chapters charge less than $86 (as of June. 2021). Some members hold multiple memberships, and some choose not to affiliate with a Chapter.   

Some members will experience an increase in dues because of these changes and some will experience a decrease.  

To explore the current dues prices, click here.

What will the process be like for a member to transition into the new home Chapter model?
We will make it easy as possible for members to move through this process. The home Chapter structure begins on July 1, 2022. 

  • If you currently belong to a chapter, you will remain with that chapter.
  • If you belong to more than one chapter, you will remain with your current primary chapter.
  • If you do not have a chapter, you will be assigned one based on your primary residence’s zip code.

Members can choose a different home chapter that best suits their needs through the online renewal process.  If you would like to change your home chapter after renewing, please email MemberServices@csinet.org for more information. 

Can a member join more than one Chapter?
No. Under the new structure, a member will be assigned a home Chapter.

However, multiple Chapter memberships are no longer necessary because the new structure allows members to engage and fully participate with any Chapter at no additional dues cost.

Is a member now required to join a Chapter?
Yes, every CSI member will be assigned a home Chapter.

Can a member pick or change their home Chapter? Can it be done at any point throughout the year?

Yes, the member is in charge of determine their home chapter.   

To begin, members with current chapter memberships will remain part of their current primary chapter and will have the option to a different home Chapter if desired. New members or Members without a chapter affiliation will be able to accept or change the assigned home address before renewing or before completing their transaction.  

Will a member be able to change their home Chapter?
A member can update their home Chapter at any point in the year. However, Chapters will not receive the dues allocation unless that change is made before the renewal is paid or within 30 days after a member receives their renewal payment confirmation.

Can I view the new Chapter boundaries?

CLICK HERE for a map of the Chapter boundaries.  Note: It may take a few minutes for the map to load completely.

How were the Chapter boundaries be determined?

The new Chapter boundaries were created, collaboratively, with Chapter and Region leaders over a five and a half month time period and are based on zip codes. 

I have some more questions. Who can I reach out to?  

  • Please reach out to Chapter.Relations@csinet.org.



Apr. 1, 2022

Current members receive information related to the transition

May 1, 2022

First invoices deployed for July 2022 Renewals

July 1, 2022

Changes go live