Outstanding Emerging Professional Award
This award is presented to CSI Members 35 years of age or younger with 3 years or less of membership in CSI, who are recognized by their peers as having made commendable contributions to further the mission of CSI in one or more of the following: exceptional accomplishments that bring CSI at the Chapter, Region, or Institute levels to the forefront of the design/construction industry; promotion of one of the tenants of CSI Education, Certification, or Development of Technology to benefit the design/construction industry; exhibition of exceptional leadership at the Chapter, Region, or Institute, since joining CSI; or contributions of significant work with their local Chapter, their Region, or Institute to assist with operations that provide a value-added service.
Past Award Winners
(2023) Nestor Lobos, CSI-EP
(2022) Caitlin Morgan, CSI-EP, CDT®
Award winners are listed by fiscal year.