Taking the Exams

Before registering for any CSI exam, read the corresponding Handbook for Exam Candidates. These free publications are in the CSI Bookstore and contain important information for you as a prospective CSI certification holder.

CSI offers the CDT, CCCA, CCS, and CCPR examinations twice annually in the Spring and the Fall. Open registration for the tests begin in the Winter and Summer respectively.

Remote Testing Option
Secure remote testing allows examinations to be completed virtually during the exam window. Test-takers must pre-schedule their exam, and there are unique technology requirements that must be met.

Where do I take the exam in person?

The exam is administered at Meazure Learning test centers in the United States and U.S. Territories. To view the Meazure Learning test center locations, visit Test Center Candidate Services | Meazure Learning  and select "Test Site Cities."

All international candidates:  Exams are administered remotely (no in-person testing). Must possess passport identification (in English). 

Your Authorization To Test (ATT) Email
The Authorization To Test (ATT) email contains all the necessary information for scheduling an appointment by accessing Prolydian's online scheduling system, https://app.prolydian.com, to select an exam date and time. 

What type of identification is required for entry at the test center?
One form of government-issued, photo- and signature-bearing ID must be provided when entering the Prometric test center. Acceptable forms of ID are:

  • Driver’s License
  • State or government-issued ID
  • Passport

IMPORTANT: ID must have FIRST and LAST names that identically match those used for registration; middle names and suffixes are not required. The address used for registration does not have to match the address on the ID.

Which Meazure Learning test centers are available to exam candidates?
You may choose from any Meazure Learning test center locations in the United States and U.S. Territories. CSI's current contract with the test vendor does not permit testing outside of these locations, however, remote exams are available globally.

How long is the exam? 
CDT: Two hours; 120 multiple-choice questions
CCCA: Three hours; 120 multiple-choice questions
CCS: Three hours; 120 multiple-choice questions
CCPR: One-and-a-half hours; 70 questions
All exams are computer-based and multiple-choice.

Why do I have to wait for my CSI certification exam results?
Intermittently, all CSI exams will undertake a “passing score” analysis. This means the research to determine the “cut score” (to pass/fail) cannot be determined until after all candidates have taken the exam and the testing window has closed.

Exam items are individually evaluated and those questions (items) that did not perform as expected are analyzed to determine how to score, modify, or eliminate. Items are reviewed by a confidential group of subject matter experts (SMEs), CSI members, and staff, in meetings facilitated by a psychometrician, a.k.a. test development specialist.

Once the review is completed, the “cut or passing score” is set and status reports are sent to individual candidates.

**The review and scoring process takes roughly 6-8 weeks and can only start after the testing window closes.

ADA Test Accommodations Guidelines for CSI Examination Registrants