February Chapter Meeting Tape Measure 101

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When:  Feb 1, 2024 from 05:30 PM to 08:30 PM (PT)
Associated with  Redwood Empire

This month we will be featuring the ever popular "Tape Measure 101"
presented by our very own Jeff Gross.

Thursday February 1st at 5:30 PM

Everything you ever wanted to know about a tape measure, but were afraid to ask and more!

Jeff will be sharing, types of tape measures, along with other measuring devices. How to maintain them, how to read and use them. Jeff will also go over the design and use of each measuring device. The "Tech Talk" this month will include a trip down RECSI memory lane. Bryan Varner will be speaking about the April 2005 visit to the North Tower of the Golden Gate Bridge.

RECSI's Dinner Meetings are one of the many ways our Chapter meet throughout the year. We offer networking time, dinner and desert along with a chance to learn about an AEC industry topic. Tabletop Sponsorship are available to anyone who is interested in showcasing a new product or simply showcase ANY product you think our members would be interested in. Please see our event page for more info!

Thursday, February 1st, 2024

Charlie's Restaurant at the Windsor Golf Club
1320 19th Hole Drive, Windsor, California 95492

5:30- 6:15 Networking
6:15 Announcements/Introductions
6:30 Dinner Service
7:00-8:00 Program

Dinner Pricing:
Includes buffet dinner and presentation
Receive $5 off if you register early!
RECSI Members: $40
Non-members: $50


Crystal Wright
