Domain 1: Project Records (23%) |
1A. Identify the documents that are part of the contract. |
1B. Verify preconstruction submittals have been received and reviewed. |
1C. Advise team members on the proper use of contractual forms. |
1D. Organize and maintain complete project documentation. |
1E. Implement and maintain logs for recording documentation. |
1F. Evaluate project schedules for contract compliance. |
1G. Identify the scope of alternates and implications on other work. |
1H. Identify project performance measurement and cost adjustments. |
Domain 2: Project Initiation (14%) |
2A. Participate in the bidding process. |
2B. Identify the owner’s bidding requirements. |
2C. Participate in the constructability review of project design. |
2D. Review schedules for omissions, conflicts, and unrealistic timeframes. |
2E. Ensure that bid addenda, accepted alternates, and negotiations are incorporated into the project scope of work. |
2F. Provide guidance on contract administration policies and procedures. |
2G. Communicate with the contracting parties during the construction process. |
2H. Understand relationships, roles, and responsibilities of the project team related to subcontracts and subcontractors. |
Domain 3: Quality Assurance and Quality Control (23%) |
3A. Identify and report contract document discrepancies with recommended action. |
3B. Confer with project team to discuss and resolve project issues. |
3C. Provide feedback on interpretations of contract documents. |
3D. Follow up on progress reports. |
3E. Review the contractor's schedule of values. |
3F. Process the contractor's applications for progress payments. |
3G. Ensure testing required by the contract is conducted. |
3H. Organize contract modification documentation. |
3I. Process action and information submittals (e.g., shop drawings, product data, samples). |
3J. Process requests for substitutions and “or equal” items. |
3K. Administer product substitution requests. |
3L. Review and maintain informational and action submittals. |
3M. Evaluate systems and products compliance with contract documents. |
3N. Verify test reports indicate compliance with code and contract requirements. |
3O. Review contractor's compliance to closeout procedures and submittals including warranty documentation, maintenance, and operation. |
3P. Verify preconstruction submittals have been received and reviewed. |
3Q. Evaluate the project document submissions to determine if the contract requirements are being met. |
Domain 4: Site Visits and Observations (11%) |
4A. Participate in project meetings as required in the contract documents. |
4B. Participate in preconstruction conference. |
4C. Make periodic visits to the site during construction and observe the quality and progress of the work. |
4D. Identify onsite design issues and engage project team to formulate solutions. |
4E. Document field conditions and determine if conditions differ from the provided reference documents. |
Domain 5: Claims and Disputes (14%) |
5A. Identify construction issues and procedures for resolving them. |
5B. Interpret contract documents for compliance. |
5C. Notify parties of non-conforming work. |
5D. Review and determine legitimacy of a claim. |
5E. Review and process proposed changes for effect on cost, time, and quality. |
5F. Participate in the development of revisions, changes, additions, and deletions, related to the enforcement of the construction contract. |
5G. Follow procedures for change order requests. |
5H. Evaluate change order requests. |
5I. Process extra design service requests. |
5J. Evaluate the effect of non-conforming work. |
5K. Participate in dispute resolution measures. |
Domain 6: Project Closeout (15%) |
6A. Review and confirm closeout procedures and requirements (e.g., warranty documentation, maintenance, operation). |
6B. Determine when project reaches substantial completion. |
6C. Identify non-conforming work. |
6D. Conduct the substantial completion inspection. |
6E. Coordinate final inspection of the project. |
6F. Issue the Certificate of Substantial Completion. |
6G. Obtain from contractor the required contract closeout documents (e.g., lien waivers, affidavits of payment, consent of surety, sustainable design closeout documents, warranty certificates). |
6H. Coordinate record documents submittal. |
6I. Coordinate project team’s sign-off. |