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This is the second in a four-part series on this blog addressing licensing boards governing the design professions, comprised of: (a) Part 1 – Introduction to Licensing Boards and Revisions of Laws and Regulations ; (b) Part 2 – Qualifications of Perspective Licensees and Licensing Exams; (c) Part 3 – Issuance of Licenses and Registrations; and (d) Part 4 - Enforcement. This series of articles describes the basic functions of licensing boards governing the design professions and how their operations affect personnel engaged in architecture, engineering, and other design professions in the United States. In this series of articles, laws, rules, and regulations ...
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Most of us have arrived at the realization that there is a troublesome and persistent shortage of skilled tradespeople in the USA. This has been the case I would say for at least a decade—and, generally, is not getting any better. The steady workers (carpenters, masons, plumbers, welders, etc.) that have held down these key jobs for 30+ years are soon retiring, as they have been in waves over the past several years. And there are not enough 18- to 25-year-olds coming in and filling their boots. Trouble is, the exact same thing can be said for the US manufacturing industry. I read articles about this subject all the time ...
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This is the first in a four-part series addressing licensing boards governing the design professions, comprised of: (a) Part 1 – Introduction to Licensing Boards and Revisions of Laws and Regulations; (b) Part 2 – Qualifications of Perspective Licensees and Licensing Exams ; (c) Part 3 – Issuance of Licenses and Registrations; and (d) Part 4 - Enforcement. In the United States and Canada, each of the design professions is governed by a licensing board at the state or provincial level. While some jurisdictions have one licensing board governing all design professions, it is more common that one board governs the practice of architecture and, perhaps, landscape ...
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CSI volunteers help our organization make an impact. Whether at the local, regional, or national level, volunteers are catalysts for ensuring CSI has meaningful programming and tools to keep us all ready for what's next in our industry. April is National Volunteer Month, and we want to thank everyone who gives their time and energy to make CSI stronger! There can be a lot of reasons someone chooses to become a CSI volunteer, so we asked a few to share why being a volunteer is important to them. TaShavia Beverly-Prince, MBA, CSI, CDT ® Specification Writer “I believe volunteering is a two-way street. Not ...
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This is the third in a three-part series on this blog addressing ethics for design professionals, comprised of: (a) Part 1 – Introduction and Ethical Dilemmas ; (b) Part 2 – Common Ethics Requirements ; and (c) Part 3 – Ethics and Business Practices. Ethics and Business Practices When a design firm performs services in more than one state or jurisdiction, or where a business opportunity arises in a jurisdiction where a design firm does not ordinarily do business, many design professionals may say something like, “ That opportunity is in ___ State. Can we practice there? ” “ Ask our lawyer .” Design professionals ...
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This is the second in a three-part series on this blog addressing ethics for design professionals, comprised of (a) Part 1 – Introduction and Ethical Dilemmas ; (b) Part 2 – Common Ethics Requirements; and (c) Part 3 – Ethics and Business Practices. Who Establishes Ethical Obligations for Design Professionals? Binding requirements for design professionals’ ethics may arise from a variety of sources, including (1) Ethical obligations in laws and regulations governing the practice of each regulated design profession; (2) Codes of conduct and ethics obligations established by non-profit organizations representing the design professional ...
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This is the first in a three-part series on this blog addressing ethics for design professionals, comprised of: (a) Part 1 – Introduction and Ethical Dilemmas; (b) Part 2 – Common Ethics Requirements ; and (c) Part 3 – Ethics and Business Practices . In the practice of architecture, engineering, geology, and other design professions, the conduct of an individual licensee is as important to society and the integrity of the profession as is the competent performance of the licensee's services. Ethics goes to the heart of how society views the design professions and the weight and respect given to their opinions, recommendations, ...
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A bit about Tara: A proficient specifier with more than a decade of experience in the field and a Master of Science in Architecture and Construction Visualization. Tara currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), Nashville Chapter. Additionally, Tara chairs ESa’s Quality Management Team, where she plays a pivotal role in orchestrating the meticulous upkeep of ESa’s master specifications, carefully scrutinizing new products and incoming internal standards suggestions and judiciously evaluating their potential applicability to ESa’s project templates. Her discerning eye and unwavering commitment to excellence ...
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Ever wonder how a CCPR credential can transform your career? Just ask Shari Carlozzi! Shari chose to take both the CDT and CCPR exams in 2022, propelling herself towards construction expertise and industry acclaim. Let's dive into her story and see how these designations unlocked doors. Can you provide an overview of your career, and why you chose to work in this industry? I have been in the roofing industry for 17 years, getting my start as a marketing adviser for a heat welding company that developed into a sales role. I later became the national sales manager for their roofing division products, teaching roofers these practices ...