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How Do CSI Certifications Elevate Your Game?

By CSI HQ posted 02-03-2023 01:45 PM


Here, CSI members share the value they found in earning an advanced certification.

“Having my CDT helped me better understand not only the relationships of the various entities, but it also gave me the order and discipline that I needed to update the system we were working under at my new job. The CDT helps me every day in my processing of specifications, contracts, and other administrative paperwork associated with the successful completion of a project. It also makes me aware of situations and other important items that I can look for to help keep the project on track. Without the CDT I am not sure where I would be right now.”
Billy Mathis FCSI, CDT

“As a sales and marketing professional working for a building products manufacturer at the time I earned a CDT and CCPR, I found both very helpful when interacting with the specification writer and architect. I feel the CCPR was especially helpful in getting me a seat at the table with a number of the firms we called on.”

“I personally saw value in the CCS certification to improve my spec writing abilities and knowledge. I studied for and passed the CCS certification in the mid-1980's, about 15 years before I became a CSI member and many years before the CDT was initiated.

At the time, I was working for a small architectural firm that used a very short-form spec format of their own development. Thus, I had little mentorship support so found the CCS as a way to enhance my knowledge. This was very useful when we later had some larger projects and made the decision to move to a full-blown spec format, using one of the nationally available masters. Later when I left the small firm and moved to a much larger one, the CCS certification assisted in my being hired and then was beneficial when I occasionally had to write a spec section from scratch if our master system didn't have what we needed.”
Craig Hess CSI, Member Emeritus, CCS, CDT, AIA, LEED AP

Join your peers and take your professional game to a whole new level. Learn more about the CDT®, CCCA®, CCS®, and CCPR™ exams today.

