Why sales management: I enjoy coaching others to inspire architects; to push material technical/performance capabilities to the limit! Finding ways to solve problems through placement, performance or code is my preference. I am diagnostic in my approach, by asking questions, ascertaining the problem and identifying solutions.
Working with a building product to determine brand position, market saturation, verticals with growth potential and where to emphasize selling activity is where I gain the most satisfaction in leading specifications and sales efforts. I have experience creating strategic plans and budgets spanning throughout my career.
What do clients and managers say: I am a highly organized individual compelled by solutions selling, exemplifying a trusted source. I have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and seek out collaborators in order to build new and diversified ideas. My former managers have said they find it refreshing that I will just go do my job, often exceeding expectations.
My leadership style: I encourage others to work outside their comfort zones and motivate them to continue learning. I empower teams to take calculated risks in order to stretch toward their goals. I am a large proponent of collaboration and align teams to execute preferred specification positions. In my work and personal connections, I look for ways to help others in the industry by networking, consulting or coaching.