About Our Institute, Region & Chapter


Construction Specifications INSTITUTE (CSI)

In 1948, the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) was founded to address the need for common systems of presenting and organizing construction documents.  You should be  a CSI member if you're an architect, specifier, product representative, contractor, or any other kind of construction professional, and you want to know more than your piece of a project.
CSI members have an in-depth understanding of construction because what they know goes beyond their job. They spend time with professionals from other fields and learn how they fit with the rest of the building team. They are experts in the process of identifying real-world building product solutions, communicating those solutions in construction documents, and ensuring that all the members of the construction team are building the facility the owner wants and is paying for. Their employers benefit from their ability to see everyone's role in a project, and because CSI members can deliver on time and on budget.
For information about how Puget Sound Chapter is connected to the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), click HERE.

Northwest region 

CSI organizes the chapters into regions of the country.  Our Puget Sound Chapter is in the CSI Northwest Region which includes 6 chapters total in these 4 states: AK, ID, OR, & WA.  For more information about the NW Region Community, click HERE.
The last Region Conference was in Bellingham, WA in May 2023, FLYER.  The next one is in Portland, OR 2025.

oUR lOCAL cHAPTER - 66th anniversary

The Puget Sound Chapter of CSI was chartered on February 15, 1958, has active members north-south from Bellingham to Camas and east-west North Bend to Port Orchard; even some out of state. PSC CSI consists of architects, product and manufacturer representatives, design professionals, specifiers, engineers, contractors, sales associates, information managers, business developers, technical writers, and other representatives from all disciplines of the construction industry.  For contact information about our Chapter, click HERE.  Please view the Chapter 2020-2021 videos about Education, Membership, and Website.  See recent Past Presidents memorials for April Stokesberry (1989-2022) and Ed Storer (1950-2024).

Puget Sound Chapter Presidents

CSI NATIONAL award FOR 2022-2023