Chapter Involvement

CSI Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) Chapter is a member-based organization, we always need member volunteers. Volunteering provides tremendous benefits including personal growth, professional development, building industry contacts and developing relationships with members along the way.  Based on your availability and interest we have a volunteering opportunity for you.


Membership Packet of Information

Join a Committee


Interested in meeting more CSI-MSP Chapter Members and expanding your network?
Want to learn more about the CSI-MSP Chapter and get more involved in it?
Do you enjoy working with others to make a difference, where many hands make light work?

The CSI-MSP Chapter Committees can really use your help and talents this CSI calendar year!

Below is a brief description of this year’s CSI-MSP Chapter Committees and how to contact each Committee Chair. Feel free to reach out to them to learn more and even attend one of their meetings! Whether you have a few available hours a month or have some hours available at certain times of the year, a Committee can use the valuable volunteer time that you have to offer!

  • Awards Committee

    The Awards Committee recognizes excellence among our membership and offers a great opportunity to network and learn the inner workings of CSI. We coordinate award nominations from the Chapter’s Genuinely Enthusiastic Member to the Institute’s Fellowship Award and then organize and host the Annual Chapter Awards Banquet in May to celebrate the recipients. The Awards Banquet is the Oscars of the local construction specifications community!

    Whether you’ve just joined the chapter or you’re a seasoned member, the Awards Committee needs your contributions. Stop by one of our meetings and check us out! We meet virtually at 8:00-9:30 am the first Friday of the month, September – May.  For more information, including meeting link, contact committee chair Rebecca Hrobak at or 763-746-3666 x2 (office).

  • Certification Committee

    What inspires you to make your career goals and aspirations soar beyond the typical resumes currently on LinkedIn or other web-based sites?  Our Certification committee may be your place to make that happen as we develop tools and programs to encourage training and study sessions for our members as well as those beyond our membership, for individuals seeking to reach a higher understanding of the construction industry, and the documents and organizations which work within that realm. We focus mainly on CDT certification, however, have also reached out to organizations looking for one-on-one mentors in pursuit of their specification writing needs. Even during the height of COVID in 2020 we didn’t miss a beat. We’re a fun group, and would love to have you consider participating, whether you’re new to the certifications process, or have the alphabet soup already behind you name!

    The committee meets during the noon hour every 2nd Friday of the month, typically at a location near the Minneapolis downtown area; for those who are not able to attend in person, we offer Zoom invites as an alternative way of joining the meeting. For more information, contact Jordan  Grote.

  • Communications Committee

    CSI-MSP’s Communications Committee handles the responsibility of publishing the Chapter’s “Specifics” electronic newsletter, as well as managing our social media presence on LinkedIn. We strive to spread information as it pertains to all things design and construction with a focus on the Minneapolis-St. Paul market. From upcoming industry events to CSI member spotlights and analyzing recently completed projects, our focus is to communicate what is happening in the industry in an easily digestible format. If you’ve ever wanted to work on the production side of a newsletter or try your hand at managing an organization’s social media account, we’d love to have you on the committee!

    Our committee meets on the first Monday of each month at 4:00 pm from September-May. Recently our meetings have been virtual via Microsoft Teams, however we are hoping to start meeting in person again soon (usually at Psycho Suzi’s or Elsie’s in NE Minneapolis.) Meetings are typically around 60-90 minutes. For more information, contact Jordan  Grote.

    • Golf Committee:

      The Golf Committee plans the annual Minneapolis/St. Paul CSI Chapter Golf Outing, typically held in the spring at Bunker Hills Golf Club in Coon Rapids, MN. The annual golf outing is the Chapter’s largest fundraising event and donates some of the proceeds to the Rebecca Foss Scholarship Fund for Dunwoody students. The Golf Committee could use some extra hands hosting this fun event! On the day of the event, volunteers are needed to help with several stations. Two people are needed to help with registration. Two other people sell yardsticks & raffle tickets.

      The committee meets at Elsie’s in NE Minneapolis typically in the mornings, bi-weekly, beginning in March to assign tasks. For more information, contact Ryan Hallesy at or 763-488-9232.

    • Membership Committee

      Looking to get more out of being a member by helping existing and new Chapter members?  Working on the Membership Committee is a fun, important, and rewarding way to participate in our Chapter!  We review and update member benefits, find new ways to connect and support current members, mentor new members, and focus on growing our Chapter membership.  If you have time to help us with just a few miscellaneous tasks, lead a small project, or generate a new one, please join us and share your ideas!

      We meet on the second Thursday of each month from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, virtually if unable to meet in person, and when possible at various restaurants in the Metro Area.  For more information, contact Jordan  Grote.

    • Product Events Committee:

      The Product Events Committee plans the annual face-to-face event held in April. In the past, this committee has planned the Expo event which had been a very successful event that was well-liked by Chapter members. To continue to provide interesting and relevant programming and support the Chapter, the committee decided to host a face-to-face event where architects and building product manufacturers are scheduled to meet for 6 - 15-minute meetings. The idea is to connect members of the CSI community in a more deliberate way by making it easy for both BPM and architects to participate. Feedback from the participants was positive and there is a waiting list of manufacturers for the 2022 event.

      The committee meets from September through April with a short half-hour conference call every Tuesday AM (TBD for 21/22) and meets in person for lunch 2 to 3 times per year. The tasks and time commitment required for this committee are light. We would love to add 1 or 2 more individuals to the committee. For more information, contact Jordan  Grote.

    • Programs Committee

      Have you ever wondered why a CSI monthly chapter meeting was held at a specific time and day? Have you ever wondered why a particular subject was selected as the meeting topic? What about the meeting location? How did that get selected? Well, we have an opportunity for you. Please join the CSI-MSP Programs Committee. We are looking for the next generation of CSI leaders to join us. We plan monthly chapter meetings. We pick the topics. We meet with the speakers and help form the learning objectives. We help to find and set up the venue. On the day of the meeting, we do a lot of the behind the curtain work to make the day go smoothly. We help to register the meeting with AIA.  

      Our committee meetings are on the first Monday of every month at 12:00 pm. We host our meetings via GoToMeeting, so you don’t have to drive across town. Please visit with us at one of our meetings. We would love to tell you more about how you can have more influence on future chapter events. For more information, contact committee chair Chris Anderson at or 952-854-8723 (office).

    Become a Micro-Volunteer


    We understand that not all members have the time or availability to volunteer as a committee member but are willing to share their skills, knowledge and expertise in a smaller capacity. If this sounds like you, becoming a micro-volunteer is just for you. 

    Listed below are the micro-volunteer opportunities for which you can volunteer:

    • Newsletter Project Closeout Write Up
      Submit a 250 word write up on a recently completed project and 2-3 project photos. If possible, include other companies that participated in the project design/construction and the end use of the project.
    • Newsletter Member Spotlight Write Up
      Submit a 250 word write up with a photo of a member of your choice. Be sure to include both personal and professional information so readers get to know the member. If possible, include why they joined CSI Minneapolis-St. Paul, the benefits they see, and anything they are active in the chapter with.
    • Newsletter Event Recap Write Up
      Submit approximately a 500 word summary of the last CSI Minneapolis-St. Paul event you attended. This could be a summary of the event and presentation or it could be an opinion piece reacting to what was presented.
    • Newsletter Hot Tip of the Month Write Up
      Submit a 250 word "hot tip" write up on a topic and/or product that makes your work life better, easier or more efficient. This could be anything from an app or computer program, a website or blog you enjoy, or even a design related tip.
    • Event Door Greeter
      Donate your time welcoming and registering members and guests as they arrive to events. Requires attending the event and arriving 10-15 minutes before the event begins.
    • Event Photographer
      Donate your time taking photos at the event to be used in CSI Minneapolis-St. Paul member communications and social media channels.

    For more information please contact Us