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The name of this organization is the Sacramento Chapter of The Construction Specifications Institute, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the “chapter”; said chapter being an affiliate chapter of The Construction Specifications Institute, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the “Institute.”
The chapter is governed and operated in accordance with the laws of the State of California, provisions of the Institute Bylaws, these bylaws, the regulations and requirements for the conduct of chapters of the Institute as adopted from time to time by the Institute Board, and the rules and instructions of the chapter’s board issued through its officers.
Section 1
The purpose of the chapter is to provide a medium at the local level for advancement of the objectives of the Institute.
Section 2
The name, funds, or influence of the chapter may be used only in support of this purpose.
Section 1
The management and direction of the chapter shall be delegated exclusively to its board.
Section 2
The board shall consist of ten members: president, president-elect, vice president(s), secretary, treasurer, immediate past president, and director(s). If the chapter includes a student affiliate, student affiliate representative shall be a non-voting member of the board. Professional members shall constitute a minimum of 33 percent of the chapter board and industry and associate members shall constitute a minimum of 33 percent of the chapter board.
Section 3
All members of the board are eligible to vote on chapter business.
Section 4
The board, through the action of authority delegated to the chapter secretary or membership chairman, shall receive and promptly consider applications for membership in the chapter received from prospective members meeting the qualifications for Institute membership; may accept resignations from the chapter; and shall promptly report its actions on membership to the Institute.
Section 5
The board shall select all standing and special committees, designate duties, and may authorize compensation for justifiable expenses.
Section 6
The board shall schedule monthly business meetings. Special meetings shall only be held upon the call of the president or a majority of the board upon seven days written notice.
Section 7
A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 8
Should a vacancy occur in any office of the chapter, the board shall by two-thirds affirmative votes of the board’s membership fill such vacancy by appointment of a member eligible by all other criteria for the duration of the unexpired term.
Section 9
When appropriate, the chapter board shall appoint a student affiliate committee of three or more members. This committee shall be responsible for conducting liaison in the name of the chapter with the student affiliate by providing an advisor, support, guidance, program speakers, etc.
Section 1
The president shall serve as chairman of the board; preside at all chapter meetings; select the chairmen of temporary committees; be an ex-officio member of all committees; and sign all agreements and formal instruments.
Section 2
The president-elect shall serve upon the absence of the president and perform other duties as
assigned by the board.
Section 3
The vice president(s) shall perform such duties as assigned by the president or board and serve upon the absence of both the president and president-elect.
Section 4
The secretary shall see that notices are sent at least seven days in advance of all meetings of the board and of the chapter and keep accurate minutes thereof. The secretary shall maintain a file of all correspondence; keep a roster of members and committees; co-sign all agreements and formal instruments, except those pertaining to the office of treasurer; and submit a report of office at the annual meeting. The secretary shall perform other duties as assigned by the president or board.
Section 5
The treasurer shall collect and receipt for monies and securities; deposit funds and disburse and dispose of the same subject to the direction of the board; keep accurate books of account; submit a report at board meetings; and submit a report of office at the annual meeting. The treasurer shall perform other duties as assigned by the president or board.
Section 1
Officers and directors shall be elected to those offices as established by Article IV by the members of the chapter. When the new president assumes office, the current president-elect shall assume without election the office of president and the current president shall assume without election the office of immediate past president.
Section 2
Each elected board member shall take office on July 1.
Section 3
The president/president-elect or vice president(s) shall not hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms.
Section 4
The term of office for directors shall be staggered two-year terms with half of the directors being elected each year.
Section 5
A nominating committee shall be appointed by the board not later than February 20. The nominating committee shall prepare a list of nominees, showing at least one name for each elective position on the board due to become vacant, and present the list to the chapter not later than the regular meeting in April. At this time, the members may present nominations from the floor. Election shall be by written ballot. The nominating committee shall prepare the ballot, which shall include the original list of nominees and those nominated from the floor. Each voting member of the chapter shall be provided with a ballot at least two weeks prior to the ballot count. Eligibility to vote shall be as defined in the Institute Bylaws. The winners shall be determined by a simple majority of votes cast before and during the meeting.
Section 6
The ballots shall be counted and certified at the April chapter meeting, by tellers appointed by the president, and the results shall be reported to the members.
Section 7
Not later than April 30, the chapter secretary shall notify the Institute directors and the Institute office of the results of the election and shall submit to them a complete listing of the chapter officers for the coming year, with their addresses and telephone numbers.
Section 1
The qualifications for membership shall conform to the requirements of the Institute Bylaws.
Section 2
Membership in the Institute is a prerequisite to membership in the chapter.
Section 3
A chapter member may be classified as an Honorary Member, Distinguished Member, or a Lifetime Member only by action of the Institute.
Section 4
The provisions of the Institute Bylaws for disqualification, suspension, expulsion, and reinstatement of members shall govern.
Section 1
The annual meeting of the chapter shall be held during the month of June at which time committee reports shall be submitted. The secretary shall submit a report on the activities of the chapter during the past term of office. The treasurer shall submit an annual report of the finances of the chapter. A copy of these reports shall be sent to the Region secretary.
Section 2
Regular meetings shall be held monthly, except when otherwise decreed by the board. Not less than 10 regular meetings shall be held in the fiscal year.
Section 3
Special meetings may be called whenever the majority of the board deems it necessary, or upon written request by not less than one-tenth of the chapter members. The business at special meetings shall be limited to that for which the meeting was called.
Section 4
Minutes of regular and special meetings shall be distributed to the members with a copy to the Institute directors.
Section 5
These bylaws, together with the applicable provisions of the Institute Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, shall govern the conduct of business of the chapter.
Section 1
The fiscal year shall be from July 1 to June 30.
Section 2
The annual chapter dues shall be set by the board. Members Emeritus, Honorary Members, and Lifetime Members shall not be subject to dues.
Section 3
Annual dues notices shall be mailed by the Institute at least two months in advance of each member’s anniversary date and are payable when rendered. Initial dues shall accompany the membership application. A qualified applicant may select introductory membership in accord with Institute Bylaws Article XIV, Section 2.c.
Section 4
Institute and chapter dues shall be paid to the Institute with the chapter dues being returned to the chapter by the Institute.
The board shall appoint a committee to audit the books and transactions of the treasurer at the close of the fiscal year. This report shall be read at the next regular meeting of the members of the chapter.
Section 1
Proposed amendments to these chapter bylaws shall first be submitted in duplicate, accompanied with two copies of the complete, current bylaws, to the Institute secretary for approval. After Institute secretary approval, they shall then be publicized in the regular chapter newsletter issued prior to a regular meeting or by letter at least two weeks prior to a special meeting.
Section 2
Following publication, the amendments must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the professional, industry, and associate members present at a regular meeting or a special meeting.
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