GUIDE TO EFFECTIVE PRECONSTRUCTION MEETINGSCoordination of the Building Enclosure is critical todesigning and constructing high-performance, resilientstructures. The risk of failure is high if the details are notcoordinated, and the responsibility for coordination isoften unclear. To start the coordination discussion, manyfirms in the industry have begun hosting“Preconstruction Meetings” or “Building EnclosureCoordination Meetings” to bring together all theexperience and expertise of the design and constructionteams to coordinate and finalize the details. BEC Indianabelieves hosting this meeting is a best practice and isexcited to announce the release of our “BuildingEnclosure Coordination (BEC) Meeting Guide” as a toolfor our local industry. This technical presentation willdiscuss why coordination of the building enclosure isimportant and will conclude with a detailed review andexplanation of the BEC Meeting Guide.
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